The Hope of Unity is Found in Jesus

7 Aug 2022 by Deborah Yun in: Looking Out

“The hope of unity is found in Jesus”

(“May they all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I am in you.” John 17:21)

During our first combined service with West Epping UC last Sunday, we watched a short video clip titled: “The hope of unity is found in Jesus”. The content was so compelling that I wanted to share it with you once more:

May we be one. May we be unified. So the world will believe.

When our fears of the future paralyse us. When our strongest opinions blind us to love.

May we be one. So the world will believe.

When we find ourselves divided across political lines. When we can’t see beyond our own broken stories. May we be one. So the world will believe.

This is not an invitation to change our opinions. It’s just an invitation to elevate Jesus above them. Because the hope of unity is found in Jesus who came to love, save, and redeem.

The power of unity is found at the foot of the cross, where the ground is level, and the forgiveness is everlasting. The focus of unity is discovered at the empty tomb, where abundant life is offered to all people. And the importance of unity is seen as people turn back to the God who’s been chasing them all along. May our passion be tempered by kindness. May our vision be fuelled by surrender. May our courage be driven by love. And when our human reactions stand opposed to the way of Jesus. May we be one. May we be unified. So the world will believe.

Deborah Yun