
16 Apr 2023 by Ruth Dicker in: Looking Out

I was baptised as a baby, and at 10 accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I was confirmed at 17 but did not understand this as I do today. As a Christian then, I focused on obedience to the teaching of Jesus. I did no think much about praying for God’s guidance or praying for other people. In the 1970’s someone taught me this was important.

It is only in more recent years that I have realised that when an adult is baptised, or recognises their infant baptism, they die to sin and rise to new life. Baptism by immersion more clearly represents this. When we are baptised, we receive the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of the risen Christ. By grace, we are gradually transformed by the Holy Spirit to become more like Christ. This is sanctification.

For me, it is hard to imagine the risen Christ and I prefer to pray to the Holy Spirit each morning to ask for wisdom and guidance. It is surprising what happens some days.

When I look back, I thank God for His guidance and protection. He led me to marry Gordon and He led us to West Timor. There were many political and health challenges, and I nearly lost my husband and son. God led me to study New Testament Greek and to teach it for 30 years. I trust God to guide me in the future.

Ruth Dicker.