Serving Jesus

12 Jun 2022 by Gwen Irving in: Looking Out

Looking Out 12.6.22

Jesus spent his life on earth setting the standards for Christian living and meeting the required standards is an ongoing challenge for each one of us day in and day out. The task of meeting God’s standards is a daily task. We know that meeting the required standards does not come easy. In our so called “modern society” standards of living are mainly focused on material things such as money, goods and services and leisure. Many have no room for the Christian Standard of Living which are many and when we set ourselves a daily set of standards to live out that day it is easier when we let ourselves be guided by the words of Jesus. A standard of Love, of caring, of serving, of listening, of supporting, of sharing. The task of meeting the standards is at times very difficult and confronting. In the task of meeting the required standards let us also remember that life is to be lived. No reservations. No lowering of standards. We believe in prayer so we pray, and we believe in serving so we serve, we believe in giving so we give. I need the strength and honesty to face each day which comes from knowing that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and he is with me each day.

Gwen Irving