Seeing the Light

17 Sep 2023 by Margaret Wigmore in: Looking Out

Looking Out 17th September 2023


The Extraordinary in the Ordinary – Seeing the Light! -  God’s Invitation to see Anew

Sometimes it is a splash in the creek – a duck, or ducks, landing on the water, an eel surfacing, someone throwing a rock or a dog splashing around. Sometimes it is a thought that comes from left field, breaking and disturbing the flow or status quo thinking. Sometimes the gentle look of another when life is crowding in and worry, or tiredness overwhelms. The sun slowly dropping in the sky, flooding the world with red-orange light that gently fades into the gentle darkness of night, can take our breath and busy thinking away.

The ordinary, breaking into the moments of life with extraordinary beauty and gentleness that takes breath away. The extraordinary that is overlooked until it ruptures our thoughts, nudges us into a new world, a new way and a transformative experience of grace.

Our lives are filled with extraordinary moments that go unnoticed, blurred into backgrounds of nothingness and lost in the ordinary and mundane that resists change. We journey onwards lost in our world of cultural expectation at the whim of social and other forces. Then in a moment of enlightenment, bursting onto the conscious mind, we see something that is there, perhaps always there and it changes everything – everything. God is in this moment, seeking the inner mind, inner being and to touch the yearning spirit that cries out for the love and hope, the justice and peace for our world.

It comes as a love-embraced possibility, a love-coloured reality that is gentle, beautiful, earth-shattering and true. It offers a new vocation and calling into our lives and a new possibility of love, hope, pace, and justice for the world. It is God’s invitation to see anew!

Extract from Geoff’s weekly  reflection.