Rain, Rain and War !!

6 Mar 2022 by Gail Hinton in: Looking Out

Looking Out March 6th

As I sit down to write this week’s Looking Out entry I am wondering when the rain bomb will hit Sydney. I hope that it will not bring extreme devastation and loss of life. Here at my place in Penrith we should be okay, but I am regularly tuning into the news to keep abreast of the situation.

During the early morning news one of the newsreaders turned to camera and admitted that he was finding this week extremely difficult. We have all witnessed scenes that are heartbreaking both here, due to the devastation of the floodwaters and more poignantly overseas, due to the terrors and devastation of war. The newsreader spoke of witnessing Father’s in the Ukraine saying goodbye to their families as they flee their homes to find refuge and footage of critically ill children with cancer having to leave hospital because they were no longer safe in their homeland.

What is there to say at such a time as this? Lost for words I have turned to the Psalmists and offer the following Lament based on Psalm 77.

I cry aloud to God.

In my day of trouble I seek the Lord.

My soul refuses to be comforted.

I think of God, and I moan.

I can’t stop thinking about things and I feel spiritually drained and empty.

Has your steadfast love for the world ceased God?

Have you forgotten your promises and your graciousness?

Where is your great compassion?

So I will call to mind your deeds from the beginning of creation,

through every miracle of life and being.

You are the God who works wonders:

your way is holy, and your might is on display for all to see.

Awaken in all people the goodness and holiness we bear in your image.

Take away our grief and tears and replace them with love, grace, and compassion.

Let it be so.