Moving On ....

16 Oct 2022 by Neil Menger in: Looking Out

LOOKING OUT – 16 October 2022

As a Congregation we have reached a critical point in implementing a new mission and ministry strategy here at Carlingford.  Following several years of discussion and seeking God’s discernment through prayer, our Congregation, under the leadership of the Church Council, has committed to pursue a new direction.  The new direction will provide a focus establishing a new congregation based on residents in the Carlingford Precinct.  The existing congregation will continue under the leadership of the new Minister.

Importantly, the various submissions made to the Advisory Committee on Ministerial Placements (ACOMP) have been accepted and approval to commence the process of calling a new Minister of the Word has been granted.

You will find elsewhere in this newssheet a notice regarding an Extraordinary Congregational Meeting to be held immediately after the service next Sunday.  The purpose of this meeting is to endorse the Church Council’s nominees for the Joint Nominating Committee. 

All members are urged to attend worship next Sunday to participate in this important meeting.  (Your reward for attending will be the opportunity to participate in the International Lunch which will follow.)

The establishment of the Joint Nominating Committee is an important step in the calling of a new Minister.  It is the responsibility of this group (consisting of representatives from Presbytery, Carlingford and West Epping) to discern God’s will as to who should be called to the two congregations.  It will commence its deliberations once the group has been established. 

Both congregations will be conducting meetings for the purpose of endorsing their Joint Nominating Committee representatives next Sunday.  Presbytery has identified its representatives to lead and provide support. 

So, as you can see, we are at a critical juncture in the life of our church.  Whilst the proposed model of ministry and mission has been described and explained, I am happy to answer any questions you might have.