Looking out for Each Other

13 Nov 2022 by Gwen Irving in: Looking Out

LOOKING OUT  13.11.22

Christians today are facing increasing emphasis on aspects of life such as economics, materialism and social satisfaction.  We are encouraged by a word from long ago that is still relevant now – PRAY   Do not lose heart and maintain your identity as a follower of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.         In the face of agnosticism and atheism we must stand firm in our faith in him and his promises.      We find joy in serving our Lord in many ways that we choose to express that service and for that we can be truly thankful.

Jesus said “I am come that you might have life, life in all its fullness”  We can draw on Biblical accounts of people to whom Jesus spoke those words and their response of thanks.  Just because they are in the Bible makes them no different to us.  Jesus responds to our faith and our cry when we utter it and for that we can only be thankful and let him know.

Here are outsiders, the outcasts of society in our community today and they are the labelled, the marginalised.  These people out there are calling out often wondering who cares for or about them. Through the Christian organisations that are out in the community we can give thanks for the work that they do and that these organisations are out there helping people in their time of need.  We can pray for these organisations and give them financial support if we can.

The ones that come to mind are  :     Rev. Bill Crews Foundation   ASHFIELD

                                                                  The Salvation Army  -  Christmas Appeal  

Gwen Irving