Living Out- God's Way at Carlingford

11 Dec 2022 by Neil Menger in: Looking Out

Looking Out – 11 December 2022

As the year draws to an end, it is appropriate we take time to reflect on the year that has passed and give thanks to God for His loving guidance through what, for many people, has been a difficult period.  As a country, we have experienced Covid, fires, droughts and floods wreaking havoc on communities and the land.  Many people have experienced loss and distress.  And yet, through it all, there remains one constant – God and His love for His people.

This love manifests itself through loving people, embracing the marginalised and outcast, the downtrodden and anyone who does not conform to the norms of our society.  For many of us here at Carlingford, this is something that is difficult to support in physical, practical and material ways.  However, this does not excuse us from participating in whatever ways we can.  This could be through offering prayer support or backing those organisations established to address these issues.

Parramatta Mission is one such organisation which has the benefit of being located on our doorstep.  Despite a significant rearrangement of support services being offered during the last two years, the Mission still provides support for the marginalised and vulnerable through its Meals Plus program, Wesley Apartments and the 175 Motel opposite Westmead Hospital.

Thanks to the generosity of supporters, Meals Plus in 2022 has provided over 46,000 meals, 37,000 coffees, 7,700 food parcels, 500 showers, 400 loads of laundry and many other (often free) professional services such as podiatry, haircuts, vaccinations and various other services.

Carlingford has had a long association with Parramatta Mission but in the last year we have developed a strong link with Hope Connect, a support group associated with the Telopea Church of Christ.  This Christmas we have supported both organisations.  Parramatta Mission is benefitting from a boot load of socks and undies donated by members of Carlingford and West Epping whilst Hope Connect has received a large donation of food and children’s gifts.

Thank you to everyone for your generous support for these appeals.

Through these activities we are living out, within our means, God’s way of life that is inclusive and where love, justice and peace are pre-eminent.