God's Presence

8 Oct 2023 by Margaret Wigmore in: Looking Out

Looking Out 8.10.23 -  GOD’s Presence

God’s presence gives us Security. Safety, Shelter, Peace, Protection, Strength, Renewal. Sometimes God reaches out to us during our chaos, our pain, our disillusionment, frustration and our anxiety. Sometimes we reach back, and we’re enfolded into the arms of grace. Sometimes we reject and push away, resting on our own wounded ego. Sometimes we can’t or won’t look, see, believe, or consider that there may be a deep love at the heart of everything that is for us. We live in our own world, built upon our dreams, that warp and weave their way through life, denying anything that isn’t about us. However, if we look, we see God experienced in the reality of people and creatures of the Earth. People who reach out with empathy and understanding, offering care and compassion. People who sit in our chaos alongside us, silently sharing our thoughts. People/Friends who listen without judgement or answers – that just listen and hear, hold, and understand. Sometimes God is found in a smile, a nod, a “hello” how is it going?” God is in the colour of Spring flowers and blossoming trees or the birds greeting the day. God is in the beauty, wonder and constant presence of the world around. God invites us into the way of love to be this presence and mirror the love we feel and know as He sits with us in our own darkness and pain. He’s always there. We just may have to fight a little harder on some days He promises that He’s there. We pray – even if it’s a simple prayer, “God, I need you.” over and over. a quiet time for only 5 minutes, our part is to seek after Him, moment by moment. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28