Finding Our Way

22 May 2022 by Neil Menger in: Looking Out

Finding Our Way

Friday afternoon was a fun-time (in the absence of golf), for Sue and myself as we drove to Hornsby to find the new Hobbysew store. We knew where we wanted to go – up the end of George Street on the right-hand side near the bridge that crosses the railway line at the northern end of Hornsby Railway Station. Easy, no problem. Well, not until we arrived in Hornsby to find a series of No Right Turns, double unbroken lines, poorly signed store, narrow driveways off busy roads and so on. Our experience caused me to think was similar to that of the apostle Paul as he set out on his second missionary journey. He was confronted with obstacles as he moved north into Asia and eventually got the message that God wanted him in Europe. Paul trusted God to lead him in the right direction to reach the destination God had in mind for him. Well, we eventually reached our destination and Sue was able to obtain the products she required. Similarly, Paul also reached his destination. In his case it was Philippi, the major city in Macedonia (northern Greece). One thing Paul and the church at Philippi, and us as a congregation of God’s followers here at Carlingford, have in common is our ultimate destination. Our reading from Revelation today describes our ultimate destination as followers of Jesus. It is a place of peace, tranquillity, light and great beauty. It is Heaven. Geoff Stevenson has written: What does it mean for you and I as we travel along life’s highway, or the low roads of struggle? What dreams do we hold and how do we allow them to find expression and life? Do we have the courage and hope that Paul has and Jesus promises to stand for life, love, hope and peace? Hear the gentle voice of love that will affirm and guide you. Walk in the way of love, the way of Jesus.