Faith & Discipleship

3 Mar 2024 by Margaret Wigmore in: Looking Out

Looking Out 3rd March 2024


Where have I been for the last two Wednesdays from 1.00 pm to 2.30pm? Bible Study in the WOW room with Friends. We still have a few weeks to go – we would Welcome you to join us.

What have I learnt in the first two studies?  About, Faith and Belief?

Faith involves reliance and Trust, and it endures in the face of doubt.

Belief is simply something we take to be true.

We become disciples of Jesus when we respond to His call by Repentance and Faith. Why do we pray and seek the kingdom of God? What does it mean to you?

What does it mean to deny ourselves, and take up the cross of Jesus? Jesus never asked us to do anything that he was not willing to go through or do himself. In Genesis 12:1-3 God called Abram to leave his father’s house and go to a land God would show him, God promised to bless him, and he made a covenant with him, by this we all became ‘children of Abraham’.

 In Mark 1:16-20 Jesus said those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for His sake, and the sake of the gospel, will save it. What a strange sentence!!

What really matters? the attitude of others to our beliefs or being “welcomed” by Jesus in the end? How can we encourage one another, as Christians to live as disciples of Jesus? Being a disciple of Jesus gives purpose and direction to our Lives. Discipleship requires refusing to put ourselves first, but instead putting God first. How can we do this? What questions do we need to ask ourselves? Why is it important as Christians, to  celebrate Easter with its sadness and Joy?. We understand that God so loved the world, but what do we understand about God’s grace to us? We need to be ready. Living as a disciple is not easy. Jesus did not say it would be. There are temptations and times of testing to deal with, and we all know about those! We are called to follow Jesus who faced more challenging temptations, and times of testing than us. But we go forward with Him as our example, and with the aid of His Spirit, Jesus gives us Peace, in our walk with Him.