Encouraging Participation

19 Mar 2023 by Neil Menger in: Looking Out

Looking Out   Encouraging Participation

 In this period of Lent, we remember the life and ministry of Jesus and renew our commitment to Him in Christian discipleship. Hopefully, we are taking this opportunity to think carefully about Jesus, His life and ministry whilst also considering what it means to follow the way of Jesus in our lives. In the current context of calling a Minister of the Word to Carlingford, the period of Lent provides a unique opportunity for all members to commit ourselves to Jesus and the reign of God He proclaimed. As a congregation there are signs that this process is not proceeding as quickly as we might like. But the calling process is beyond our control, and we need to rely on God’s timing to ensure the “right” Minister is called, not only to Carlingford, but also to West Epping. Rather than letting these delays get us down, I pray that this might be a time for personal and spiritual growth wherein all members search their hearts to identify ways in which they can serve the congregation under God’s leading. Church Council is currently reaching out to all members to participate in the spiritual ministry of our church. This might be in the areas of contributing Looking Out articles or offering to be involved in the Bible Readings or Prayers of Intercession segments. It is encouraging to hear that members have been responding to these invitations. As a church family, we rejoice in the opportunity to catch up, particularly on Sundays. I would like to see members share some of these moments in which they have seen God at work in their lives being put to paper for all to share. Please speak to Margaret or me if you are feeling called to assist in any of these ministries. God promises to help us in all tasks we undertake for Him. Joshua 1:9 says it clearly: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” NRM