Daily Bible Reading

11 Jun 2023 by Neil Menger in: Looking Out

Looking Out : 12th June  2023 Daily Bible reading

Following the removal of many restrictions surrounding behaviour in public places pertaining to the Covid virus, Sue and I travelled into the city twice in the last two weeks specifically to view the Vivid festival. On the first occasion we viewed the displays from the water. This experience encouraged us to return and see the displays from the land. The second visit enabled us to view displays that we missed seeing from the water. It also enabled us to see presentations up close and to hear soundtracks that accompanied some of the displays. This was particularly so with the drone presentation. It was spectacular with over one thousand, computer-controlled drones creating images in the night sky over Circular Quay. We saw the sky come alive with an ethereal display of drones as they explored the world above us – from the Sun to Jupiter, and everything in between! We saw whales leaping into the night sky amongst other illuminations. In particular, it was the clarity of the presentations that captured our attention. This experience has caused me to question whether our experience in reading and listening to the Scriptures results in a similar clarity of understanding of the verses being read. The drone display was clear and crisp. But, sometimes the Scriptures can appear to be obtuse and hard to decipher. However, when we seek God’s guidance as we come to our daily reading of the Bible, we can be confident that the message God wants us to hear will be opened to us.

Can I suggest two resources that provide excellent commentary of a structured nature readily available to all Australians.

They are: • With Love to the World; and • The Upper Room.

 Commencing your Quiet Time with Psalm 119: 105 is an excellent discipline. This verse says: “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.”

This verse reveals an important truth – to live like a Christian is to live like Christ, who lived out God’s teachings perfectly.