Christ Is Risen

17 Apr 2022 by Neil Menger in: Looking Out

Looking Out 17.4.22   Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Today is the traditional day for Christians to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. And yet, only 44 per cent of Australians believe in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead while 31 per cent do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus. The balance, 25 per cent of those canvassed, do not know what they believe. These interesting figures have been provided by the National Church Life Survey, the organisation responsible for conducting the recent church survey organised across Australia. This says something about the Australian condition because we describe ourselves as a Christian nation and yet the majority of our population does not recognise this week as the most significant season in the Church’s calendar for which we call ourselves a Christian nation. As such it is the core of our faith and our understanding of the Gospel. Is the Carlingford area any different to the rest of Australia? Anecdotally, I would have to say “no”. Which then leads to the question of “what are we doing about it?” This question feeds into, and is central to, the on-going mission strategy and direction which is the key focus of the Community Church Working Group. Whilst Carlingford has identified the nearby high-rise units as a veritable mission field, we do not have the other congregations buying into this strategically important mission direction. Nor do they support, at this time, the appointment of a “Church Plant” minister pending further discussion and decision by the congregations represented at the Community Church Working Group. Central to the proposed mission direction is the congregation’s involvement in spreading the Gospel to the 56 per cent of the population who are identified above as not believing in the resurrection of Jesus and not knowing what they believe. Christ died for us! What are we doing for Him? Christ has died! Christ has risen! He is risen indeed!