Be Enthusiastic in Our Love fof God

1 Oct 2023 by Neil Menger in: Looking Out

Looking Out  1.10.23

Be Enthusiastic in our Love of God 

This weekend is one where enthusiasm abounds and is on show as supporters of the teams contesting the Australian Rules and Rugby League grand finals on Saturday and Sunday, respectively, openly display their allegiance to their respective clubs. Cars are decorated, homes are splashed in team colours, club clothing becomes dominant in the streets, and in some places, special grand final food is prepared (sometimes in club colours). The enthusiasm is infectious and, in some cases, can be a little overwhelming. Collingwood fans, in particular, are renowned for their passion. In contrast, Jesus presented a humble and vulnerable nature. He invited people into a relationship of love and interconnectivity, advocating for a relational, inclusive community. Jesus lived a life in which truth, love and justice were paramount, rather than appealing to popularity and power. As Christians, we are encouraged to embrace the example of Jesus in our lives, showing similar character traits. Paul draws this point in a number of his letters. See for example Philippians 2: 1-13. Here was a church that was self-centred and marked by a number of inflated egos. Paul’s letter is designed to encourage the recipients back into a lifestyle and character whereby the way of love is the key driver. Likewise, we are called to be enthusiastic in our love of God because it is God’s love that draws us into God’s saving presence. ~ NRM