A Time of Transition

14 May 2023 by Neil Menger in: Looking Out

Looking Out :  14.5.23 A Time of Transition

Nature is putting on a great display this autumn. The liquid ambers, camellias, maples and tibouchinas, for example, are all in great shape and putting on a wonderful, colourful display. Sadly, we know that this display will only last for a short time as leaves and petals drop because winter is only a few weeks away. We are reaching a point of change in the weather cycle. Our plants are currently in transition, a pre-condition before they commence their winter hibernation. Next Thursday, 18 May, is Ascension Day wherein we celebrate Jesus ascending to His heavenly Father. Ten days later the Church celebrates Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. This period of ten days, sometimes referred to as the “time between”, can be seen as a time of transition for the disciples and the other followers of Jesus. They were contemplating life having seemingly been abandoned, feeling uncertain and powerless. It was a time of transition for the first followers of Jesus. So, they prayed. Here at Carlingford our congregation is rapidly approaching a time of transition. The reports from the Joint Nominating Committee have made it clear that the calling of Ministers of the Word to Carlingford and West Epping is nearing conclusion. Their arrival is eagerly anticipated as we have acknowledged that we need to alter our way of ministry and mission in this area under new leadership. Just like the disciples who turned to prayer, so we need to be active in our prayers seeking open minds, patience, wisdom and guidance as we, and the Ministers being called, navigate the days of transition ahead of us.